• Terms & Conditions

    & Conditions

Booking & Cancellation Policy

Booking Terms

Amendments to bookings

Changes to a booking, which reduces the value of that booking, will attract an administration fee of up to $50 pp. per trip change. This fee would be applied to each/any subsequent changes. Changes to the trip, which increase the value of the booking, will not attract this fee.

Changes to bookings which impact on other group members

Where changes are made to a booking, a revised trip price will be provided and this may impact on other group members who may now face increased costs. Options will be provided to the Group Organiser. i.e. cancellation of a group member who is room sharing which will result in a single supplement being required, or, a reduction in numbers booking a fixed price shuttle will require a recalculation of the per person pricing.  The balance of the cost is payable 30 days prior to departure or immediately on confirmation for bookings made inside 30 days. Failure to pay by the due date may result in the cancellation of your booking.

Cancellation Policy

Change a Booking or Cancel part of a Booking

61 days or more | Up to a $50 per person alteration fee to cover additional admin time may apply.

15 – 60 days | Up to a $100 per person alteration fee may apply. There may also be cancellation or change fees where bookings have included third party services (i.e. accommodation).

1 – 14 days | There is no refund available for a change or cancellation of part of a booking.

After trip start | No refund is available.

Cancel Entire Booking & Re-book at a later date

31 days or more | Booking transfer fee of up to $100 per person applies and the remainder is transferred to a Experience Gisborne or Cycle Gisborne tour of your choice at a later date.

15 – 30 days | 40% of the booking total is forfeited with the remainder transferred.

1 – 14 days | 100% of the booking total is forfeited. No booking transfer is available.

After trip start | No refund is available.

If an amount is transferred to a future booking it must be for a booking within 12 months of the original trip date.

Cancel Entire Booking & Refund

(Also applies if one or more people cancel out of a group booking)

61 days or more | Cancellation fee of $150 per person or 15% of the booking total price forfeited.  Whatever is the greater of the two applies.

31 – 60 days | Cancellation fee of $150 per person or 30% of the booking total price forfeited.  Whatever is the greater of the two applies.

15 – 30 days | 60% of the booking total is forfeited.

1 – 14 days | 100% of the booking total is forfeited.

After trip start | No refund is available.

If one person, as part of a group booking, changes or cancels their portion of the booking then this can have an effect (price increase) on the trip pricing of the other group members, especially where accommodation or custom shuttles are concerned.

Force Majeure

If Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd is prevented (directly or indirectly) from performing any of its obligations under this agreement by reason of act of God, strikes, trade disputes, fires, breakdowns, interruption of transport, transport, government or political action, acts of terrorism, acts or omissions of a third party or any other cause whatsoever outside Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd reasonable control, Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd will be under no liability to you and may, at its option, by written notice, either cancel the tour or arrange alternative tour arrangements.


Your booking and all operations undertaken by Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd are governed by the laws of New Zealand.


I agree that in this release, “The Activity” means the guided activity or hire of equipment that I am obtaining from Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd. I am providing this release in consideration for Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd agreeing to be taking part in the activity.

I am aware that taking part in this activity involves certain inherent risks, including inclement weather, rough conditions, navigational difficulties, collisions, hypothermia, illness and accidents in remote places, and might:

a. Cause me or others injury or loss.
b. Damage my or other’s property.
Despite these risks, I wish to take part in the activity. I accept sole responsibility for my own safety and for the above risks. I will not make any claim against Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd or its officers, employees, or agents in respect of my taking part in the activity, including for:
a. Any injury or loss suffered by me or others; or
b. Any damage to any of my or other’s property regardless of how the injury, loss or damage occurs.

This exclusion is subject to any rights and remedies you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

I agree that Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd is not responsible for any damage, expense or inconvenience caused by late arrival of transport, change of schedule, strikes, vehicle breakdown or events outside its control. Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd has the right to alter itineraries if necessary. I will pay for any additional expenses and receive a refund for any cost savings.

I understand that Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd has the right to:

a. Resell reserved items or spaces without notice if I have not paid in full by the due date.
b. Decline to accept or retain any participant at any time.
c. Cancel guided activities if the minimum number required is not obtained, and
d. Cancel guided activities if the weather conditions are not suitable for safe travel.

I understand that how I and others in my party undertake the activity will affect the risks, and that Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd has no control over this. I will use the equipment in a safe and proper manner. I have inspected the equipment to be used in the activity and find it to be in a good condition and fit for use.

I indemnify Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd against all claims, damages or losses (including costs), which it incurs as the direct or indirect result of my taking part in the activity, including costs of enforcing this release.

I am physically fit and there is no health or other reason why I should not participate in the activity. For guided activities, I consent to receiving any medical attention, which Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd considers necessary or desirable but this does not mean Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd has to arrange medical attention for me.

I agree that the laws of New Zealand apply. I agree that this release is binding on my family, my heirs, my legal assigns and my administrators and executors. I am 18 years of age or older. I have fully read and understood this release before signing it.

WARNING: Under New Zealand law it is extremely unlikely that you will be able to sue anyone if you are injured and/or suffer disruption in your travel arrangements. Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd holds a current public liability insurance policy covering the operations of Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd.

Travel Insurance

Whether you are travelling from within New Zealand to cycle the trail or from overseas, Gisborne Cycle Tour Company Limited recommends you seek travel insurance for illness, accidents, or any other unforeseen circumstances. We suggest contacting your travel agent or insurance provider to arrange suitable cover. The hirer is responsible for repair or replacement costs in cases of damage or loss of any item. Gisborne Cycle Tour Company Limited reserve the right to charge repair or replacement.


The information supplied by you on the booking form will only be used by Gisborne Cycle Tours Company Ltd. However, in the unlikely event of an accident, any special medical or personal information may be supplied to medical or emergency services personnel.

Facebook Remarketing Privacy Policy

Non-personally identifiable visitor information collected via pixels is used by Trust Tairāwhiti and Facebook for marketing and advertising purposes. These parties agree to keep this information confidential and treat this data according to the laws and rules on personal data protection.

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